Printed catalog Grainger

Grainger printed catalog contains about 5,000 pages, weighs about 8 pounds, and most importantly, it contains about 570,000 products.

The Grainger catalog includes hand tools, power tools and accessories, and all kinds of equipment from gloves and glasses to security systems from falling from a height.

In addition, the directory will find the motors and bearings, all kinds of temperature controllers and circuit breakers, carts to transport cargo, winches, water heaters, faucets, for different pressure hoses, pipes, valves, welding tools, heaters, diffusers hardware and much more. Also in the catalog contains a lot of useful information, for example, about LED lighting.

Also, you can use the Grainger catalog to solve technical problems for a long time.

To order a free catalog need to go to the site or by calling 800-472-4